
How Adjuster Workspace Is Driving Simplified Workflows

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With many new adjusters entering the workforce and experienced adjusters retiring or changing careers, organizations are looking for new ways to optimize their current processes. Adjusters are expected to quickly evaluate and turn around accurate demands which are complex and challenging to identify without structured data. This feeling of incomplete and inconsistent evaluations often can lead to poor settlement outcomes.

根据Enlyte的2022年年度趋势报告, 2020年之前, less than 10% of the professional workforce worked from home all or most of the time, whereas now approximately 60% now work primarily from home. The move to remote positions brought unanticipated changes to how we live and work, substantially changing how our teams connect and get work done. This has been a significant shift in the claims adjusting environment.

As we continue to shift and learn how to manage some of these tasks from afar, insurance industries are trying to 组织 and simplify their teams' work processes, 特别是对于这些新的远程角色. 说到索赔, it is hard for new adjusters to see the big picture in an easy, 消化的方法.

当事情看起来很混乱的时候, 知道如何停下来通常是具有挑战性的, 组织, 修复, 或者看到隧道尽头的光明. There are shows, videos, social media groups, books, blogs etc. teaching us how to 组织—because the satisfaction of well-planned organization can have such a positive impact. Having things 组织d and easy for your team to see through the chaos can improve your claim outcomes and give employees a high sense of productivity, 双赢.

让我们以当前的情况为例. An adjuster can have over 100 open cases at any given time, 取决于公司的性质和规模. They receive a new demand package with more than 150 pages they need to 组织. They then need to review the various types of information and make decisions - do they need a nurse review, 是否有所有正确的帐单代码, are the billed amounts unreasonable warranting fee schedule and network discounts, 需要协商吗?? Even an adjuster with years of experience can still find this task daunting and overwhelming given the rest of their caseload.

Enlyte’s Third Party Adjuster Workspace provides this a convenient place for adjusters to 组织 all of their third party claim tasks - whether big or small. We help your adjusters get a full picture of the injury and treatments related to a claim. This liability-claims specific application provides adjusters an evolving picture of a claim as it develops and offers seamless integration with other solutions. Having easy-to-use technology allows adjusters to be able to see through the chaos and make the right choices

Our robust Adjuster Workspace gives your adjusters one place to manage their claims and makes it easier for them to submit requests and manage tasks, 包括:

  • 代码评审
  • 护士检查
  • 同行评审
  • 谈判服务
  • 法案审查
  • 网络

This full visibility into a claim will not only help settle claims appropriately, 它也指导和训练你的调整员, resulting in outcomes they can feel confident about.


How your claims organization manages adapting to technology tools, while maintaining human interaction in a digital environment, 将是优化结果的关键. With technical expertise and tenure continuing to decrease, automation and analytics will be the help senior adjusters with the time and insight they need to navigate the growing number of complex claims susceptible to runaway verdicts.

在一天结束的时候, the goal of an adjuster is to satisfy all parties involved with a fair settlement. 预约电话 to learn how our Adjuster Workspace can help turn chaos into simpler workflows, 做出更明智的决策, 并带来更光明的结果.

To discover more industry trends and insights from our experts, download the full 2022 Enlytened 趋势 Report today!
