
2021年mPower奖得主- Liberty Mutual

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Each year Mitchell celebrates one of its partners through the "mPower Award" highlighting innovative and transformational initiatives taken on in the past year. 今年, Liberty Mutual was selected for their massive bill management operations overhaul aimed at optimizing this process and achieving best-in-class operational excellence.

利宝互助银行首次与米切尔合作是在近20年前. 因为他们的需求开始增长, Liberty expanded their partnership in 2019 to prepare for a much larger mission. 这个巨大的创举需要花费很多时间, 人与规划, resulted in increased efficiency and reduced touches ultimately benefiting both Liberty employees and customers. 米切尔的执行副总裁兼伤亡亚博真人官方版APP总经理, 尼娜史密斯, 和Liberty的高级副总裁坐了下来, 现场操作, 医疗 & 全球零售市场特别调查.S. 索赔, 琼关, to understand more about this longtime partnership and the impact the new initiative has had on the Liberty team. 


对于每一个企业来说,主要目标都是让客户满意. For Liberty, they knew their customers valued claim processing speed above all. The Liberty Mutual team came to Mitchell looking for solutions to optimize their bill review process, thus allowing their adjusters more time to focus on meaningful work for customers. 在对史密斯的采访中, 关解释说,这是关于“正确的触摸”, 为了正确的账单, 这样我们才能真正为客户创造最大的价值.“这意味着为每张账单提供合适的专业知识和护理. Liberty能够显著缩短周期时间, 使过程对他们的调整人员和客户都更好.”


琼关, Liberty’s Senior Vice President, 现场操作, 医疗 & 特别调查

The right touch, 为了正确的账单, 这样我们才能真正为客户创造最大的价值.


当然,账单审核优化之路并不容易. 琼关和她的团队一路上遇到了一些障碍. 有这么大规模的行动, one of the biggest challenges was taking into consideration the different dependencies throughout the project, 包括:, 规定, 工作流, 以及既定的流程. With so many moving parts it can be difficult to keep an entire team aligned. 然而,他们面临的最大挑战之一, was “making sure change management [was] really top of mind for the entire operation.” It was important that Guan kept her people informed and aware every step of the way.


理算员在账单审核过程中起着至关重要的作用, as they are critical for bringing peace of mind and advocating for customers. 正如关所说, “为了未来, I see the adjuster continuing to be the key decision maker in the vertical claims process. 然而, the difference will be that the adjuster [will have more valuable time] to be an integrator between the data, IT, 工作流, 人类的决策.“无论我们多么努力地将这个过程的一部分自动化, the adjuster is essential in connecting the systems and provides the all-important “human touch.”

Going forward the adjuster will be “the engine of continuous improvement,” as 琼关 puts it. The company and industry rely heavily on adjusters as they are often the first touchpoint in the claims process, 最终,帮助改进流程取决于他们.



When asked what the greatest value of this initiative is for Guan and her team, she explains that the extended ecosystem and deep expertise from Mitchell are so important especially in today’s unpredictable climate. “我们利用米切尔的全球能力, 帮助我们更快地从挑战中恢复过来,关解释道。. 除了有米切尔的支持团队, 关说这是长期的, her hope is for Liberty and Mitchell to continue to partner and innovate together.

为了未来, I see the adjuster continuing to be the key decision maker in the vertical claims process. 然而, the difference will be that the adjuster will have more valuable time to be an integrator between the data, IT, 工作流, 人类的决策.


Many other carriers are facing this same challenge today within their teams and are wondering where to begin. Guan’s advice—simply start by asking “What are the business problems we need to solve?“一旦这些被确认, a transparent conversation with the partnership team is a critical next step. 关建中说, “任何大规模转型都会出现问题, 这没关系,但我们有信任, 的关系, 以及共同解决问题的承诺.” She expresses that without this transparency and trust in the teams at Mitchell and Liberty working as “One Team,“这项倡议不会像现在这样成功. Lastly, Guan offers up her biggest piece of advice—“Change management! 变更管理! 变更管理!” Having a robust change management plan to support teams through such a large transition is key.

任何大规模的转型都会出现问题, 这没关系,但我们有信任, 的关系, 以及共同解决问题的承诺.


Despite the countless hurdles and challenges both teams faced throughout this journey, 自由的回报是无价的. 最后, they achieved their goal of freeing up capacity for their adjusters to create more meaningful value for customers. 另外, they noticed an increased adoption in Liberty digital offerings as they continue to drive their “digital first” evolution to modernize the claims experience for customers. Liberty’s success exemplifies the spirit of the mPower 奖 by taking on innovative projects that make a difference for the people we serve. 我代表整个米切尔团队, 我们祝贺自由获得这一奖项, 期待我们继续合作. 

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